Today has been so fun.
It was my very first Mother's Day. I have had an incredible time.
I get tears in my eyes every time I look at the gift bag with my baby girl's handprint on it. I get to celebrate today, because I have her.
Before having Emmalee, I would have been the first to suggest mom go out for a day without her kids. But now, I can't understand why you would want to. This day is all about being a mother, so why wouldn't you want to spend it with the ones who call you that?
I read a Facebook debate just yesterday, about someone being upset because she goes all out for her signifigant other on Father's day, yet Mother's Day is just Sunday for her. She complained because she didn't get the special Mother's Day perks like breakfast in bed, or crafts, or spa day.
I'm a single mom. I won't get breakfast in bed, I won't get handmade crafts, I certainly don't get a spa day, and I'll most likely have to shovel my (cold) dinner in so quickly I get heartburn. But Mother's Day has been my perfect day. I got the best gift of all.
I got my angel.
Happy Mother's Day.
My heart goes out to all the mom's who have dealt with loss and infertility. Prayers of peace.