I've been asked recently, quite a few times actually, why I wear Emmalee so much. I even had someone say to me, "WHY would anyone want to do that?" after watching me wrap her. I'm a little taken a back when someone says that to me, because what reason is there not to wear her? Well, here are the reasons I wear my baby:
1. She's heavy
My 6 month old baby weighs 22 lbs! Carrying around 22 lbs all day gets TIRING. It's not like I have a 22lb toddler who can follow me around on her own, I have a 22 lb INFANT. She has to be carried! My arms go numb after about 5 minutes.
2. She's clingy
She has major separation anxiety. I can't carry her around all day (see above), and there's only so much a person can do one handed. If I ever want to do any cleaning or laundry (okay, I never want to clean, but I have to), I have to wear her. Or listen to my baby scream and cry while I vacuum? No thanks.
3. It puts her to sleep
I have said before what trouble I have getting Emmalee to sleep. She does not like to nap. It never ever ever fails, when she goes on my back, she goes to sleep.
4. Hands free nursing
Pretty self explanatory here
5. Strollers are bulky and annoying
That dang stroller takes up my entire trunk. I can't put anything else in it. It's not light, its hard to fold. I use the stroller when I go for walks with Em, but when I'm grocery shopping its much easier to wear her then to try and push a stroller and cart simultaneously.
This one is the biggest one,
6. I want to be close to her
I love my baby, and my baby loves me. I want to hug and snuggle and kiss her all day long. I want my baby to be as attached to me as I am to her. It's how nature intended it.
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