Sunday, February 10, 2013


I had this brilliant idea to start a blog. Evidently I've had this idea more than once, because I found and logged into this blog. I don't remember starting it, and I never posted anything. But anyhoo, here goes.

I've been meaning to start writing this for some time now. However, using the laptop with my little bundle of refuses-to-nap-must-constantly-be-on-the-boob, joy is proving to be rather difficult. So I've resorted to the Android app to at least get the ball rolling.

My daughter, EmmaLee, is sleeping beside my bed. She's down for the night, at 7:30 pm. This sleep routine has been driving me CRAZY. She won't nap during the day, and she wants to go to bed at 6 pm! If I don't go to sleep with her, I hardly get sleep. What small social life I COULD have is nonexistent because by 7pm, I'm dead on my feet. Shit is whack. I'll be charting my attempts to somehow get this girl in a sleep routine. She's not getting anywhere near the amount of sleep a baby needs during the day. I've started to establish a bedtime routine, been consistent with it every night for a week now. I'm hoping I can start working it back in the night, to get her down a little later. Right now, if I wait I just get a super cranky baby.

Bedtime routine is as follows:
Bath (every three days)
Bedtime diaper (I use Desitin at night, in the event of a long sleep stretch-ha)
Nighttime bottle (She's got crazy gas, so at night she gets a two oz bottle with gripe water or gas drops in it, two oz is just enough to get the other stuff down)
Nurse till full and asleep

Pretty solid. She loves every second of it. I figure I'll keep on keepin on with her night schedule for another week before I start to change the time. Baby steps. Baby steps.

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