Monday, February 25, 2013

Emmalee update!

This has been an incredible week for my precious baby!

Earlier this week, I stopped in Target and they were having a sale on baby toys! Of course I couldn't pass it up, even though Em had not yet begun playing with toys. I grabbed a couple of crinkly noise (she LOVES crinkly noises) and an O Ball like this one:

I stuck it in her car seat and was talking with my mom when we looked over and she had the ball in her hands and was trying to get it to her mouth!! It was a very proud mommy moment. Now whenever something is in her reach she grabs it and puts it in her mouth. She's not mastered the skill yet, but she's becoming so much more coordinated. I love watching her grow!

Only a couple days later, she discovered her feet! We were sitting at the kitchen table and I had her sitting on the table, facing away from me. I noticed she was staring so intently at her toes and trying to reach them! She hasn't figured out how to move her leg to her hand just yet, but if she's positioned so she can reach those toes, she grabs on!

Next big milestone we reached this week: laugh! I've only gotten two little laughs out of her, but they were definite laughs. She's trying to get those giggles out more, and I'm trying to pry them out of her.

Three times now this week, she's put herself to sleep and one of those times was bedtime and she wasn't in my bed!

My little baby is growing up. *tear*

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