Friday, March 15, 2013

Breastfeeding is a b*tch

Breastfeeding is probably the hardest thing I've ever had to do. Harder than labor. Once I pushed that baby out, labor was over. Breastfeeding has been a constant battle.

Thanks to a comment from someone, I purchased a supplement called More Milk Plus by Motherlove. It has been my life saver. My milk supply is thriving. We're slowly weaning of the stupid nipple shield, and once that's gone I'm confident we will be 100% breast milk! Good thing, too, because this little turkey butt is refusing formula now. She gags dramatically when she realizes its formula she's drinking.

My only battle now is nursing in public (NIP). I absolutely hate the nursing cover. It makes it impossible for me. And I am ashamed to NIP because of some comments from family I've heard. Not towards me, but towards other people. I read a blog yesterday that made me feel really empowered to be a nursing mom! America is the only country that breastfeeding is not normal! It's my baby's right to eat wherever and whenever she is hungry. I'm "taking" a 7 day email correspondence course to become a "Badass Public Breastfeeder". I've only gotten one email so far, but it did  make me feel like a bad ass. We'll see if it really boosts my confidence. (Sign up to be a Badass Public Breastfeeder here)

Hope that helps some mommas the way its helped me. Happy Friday!


  1. In Africa they just whip their boobs out wherever. I didn't know they could stretch so far. :p

    1. Maybe I should just go spend some time there and get used to seeing boobies everywhere. :-)
